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One way to measure access to care is timeliness. Long delays to see a healthcare provider can speak to availability issues, either a lack of resources or inefficiencies that result in a less than optimal conversion of referrals into appointments. Long delays can also speak to accommodation issues or accessibility issues if patients have difficulty attending their scheduled appointments. This project is an example of a report that I created to look at the process times for referred patients at specialty clinics.
These technologies are used by application layers that manage the data model, application content, and data visualization.
Three common and pervasive technologies come together to provide an analytics developer with the tools necessary to create any layout they can imagine. HTML provides the scaffolding and CSS shapes and styles the layout. JavaScript allows for custom and data-driven logic to fine-tune the final product and to implement interactive features. These tools are general purpose. They are vendor agnostic. They have been built to support an industry and are supported by a worldwide community of practitioners. Any knowledge about how to apply these technologies is freely available and only a web search away.
Deliverables created with HTML and CSS are very readable from text files in your source repository. They work well with version control platforms (like Git). As does JavaScript, of course. Working with these technologies frees you from the artificially imposed limitations of BI tools that only provide the flexibility that they have been created to provide.
Flexibility and freedom also define another technology underlying this example, Python. Python is a general purpose programming language used to create complex applications, to be the glue that integrates other software platforms, or to automate tasks with scripts. Using Python to create your analytic deliverable ensures that you will have opportunities to automate tasks such as data refresh and report generation. BI tools limit your automation possibilities to predetermined use cases. A report or dashboard developed using Python can be automated using Python. There are few licensing concerns with Python itself and no paid subscriptions necessary.
Pandas is a data analysis library for Python programs. It provides data aggregation, statistical analysis, and data manipulation within the Python framework. Using Python and Pandas together frees you from the limitations of software packages. You may sacrifice the convenience of connectors for specific data sources, depending on the availability of Python libraries for the data that you have. A custom program written in Python and using Pandas can be more elegant, efficient, and configurable than data pipelines created in commercial software tools.
Bokeh provides data visualization and data interaction capabilities to the Python platform, using either notebooks or standalone programs. This example is a standalone program written in Python that uses the Bokeh library along with Pandas. A program uses Bokeh to dynamically place glyphs and widgets on the canvas of a plot using data sets. The placement, size, color, shape, and number of glyphs is totally within your control. This is in contrast to commercial BI tools with a set palette of visuals that you can easily drop onto a page-formatted canvas. BI tools limit you to the visuals and options that they have built in order to provide speed and convenience.
Other Python libraries provide similar but Bokeh also has one aspect to its architecture that is compelling. Bokeh uses websockets to open a network connection to the server program from the web browser that is rending the visuals. All data and configurations for those visuals are channeled through that websocket instead of being downloaded as text content in the HTML page. The data isn’t stored in a browser cache. It can’t be captured from the page source. A JavaScript library programmatically renders the visuals after the websocket is open. Even better, that library automatically updates the visuals without reloading the page when the data is changed, or in response to an interaction with the person viewing. Bokeh provides interactivity through the browser.
In the scenario where this report is used we did not have a server environment to host this from. Customers received PDF exports of report pages. The problem with sending PDF reports is the amount of valuable time spent doing so. Python and Bokeh presented a convenient way to automate the delivery of wait time and processing time metrics in a PDF report.
Click here for an overview of the report. The following sections describe the structure of the Python program and some of the techniques that I used to make it work.
This report surfaces operational metrics and process timings to convert referred patients to attended appointments. The metrics calculate the rates that a clinic achieves process milestones and the number of days required.
A referral will be in one of eight states from a process perspective. A referral is written in the Clinic Referral Management system then sent to the clinic. The
referral is also considered pending acceptance when it is sent. At that point the referral is either accepted, cancelled, rejected, or sometimes closed because the
referral must be forwarded to another organization. The clinic accepts and schedules a referred patient when the case has been reviewed. The patient is then seen and
the referral is completed with a visit summary.
This horizontal bar chart represents the volume of referrals sent to a clinic alongside the number of those referrals that were canceled, rejected, or closed without
being seen. The referrals included in this visualization are all aged 90 days from the date they were sent to the clinic. The timing for a referral to be scheduled,
seen, and completed is calculated after 90 days. The volumes in this bar chart explain the population size for the median timing metrics.
Referrals are aged if they are sent to a clinic and kept. Aged referrals are included in process metrics. This bar chart compares the number of referrals that have
reached each of the process milestones 90 days after they are sent.
After 90 days the number of referrals seen, those waiting for their appointment date, and those not yet scheduled are displayed with their relative proportions in a
pie chart. Any referrals not scheduled after 90 days are labeled as unmet.
Distribution bins group referrals by the number of days to be seen. Any referrals not yet seen will be counted in the >90d category. This visual displays the number of
referrals in each bin with the cumulative curve of days to see all referrals superimposed.
The percentage of referrals seen in 30 days is a patient access metric. These are the referrals that have reached 30 days of age in the selected month and were seen in
that time. The rate of referrals seen in 30 days is visualized with a gauge that has a setpoint for the target rate. A table to the right of the metric displays a comparison
of historical average rates against the target rate.
Two tables provide a consolidated and concise interpretation of the referral throughput metrics over 12 months for routine referrals seen in 30 days and urgent referrals seen in five days.
There are two groups of indicators and categories. The first group of columns compares the performance to the target rate for three time periods:
Three direction indicators are grouped from left-to-right for these time periods. The category name to the right of those indicators describes the overall 12 month performance qualitatively.
The second group of columns describe the improvement direction of each clinic across three time periods:
The category name to the right describes the overall 12 month improvement direction in qualitative terms.
The numerical values in these reports are fabricated and do not represent any real healthcare organization. The script that created the data for this example can be found in the create_referral_data folder. This script creates two Comma Separated Values files that are the source of data for this report:
The Referrals.csv file loads records of referrals and processing dates.
This source file contains a horizontal list of columns representing the dates that each referral first reached processing milestones such as the date written, date sent, accepted, scheduled, and seen.
These dates are used by transformations to calculate process timings.
The DirectSecureMessages.csv file loads records of direct secure messages to clinics about patients.
This source file contains a horizontal list of columns representing messages, the clinic that a message was sent to, the patient who is the subject of the message,
and any referrals that the patient has to that same clinic.
This example is a standalone Python application using the Bokeh library. The Bokeh library, in turn, uses the Tornado library as a lightweight HTTP server to host the HTML pages that contain the Bokeh visuals.
The Python program divides application logic from data provisioning using separate internal packages.
Other assets such as HTML templates and CSS style sheets facilitate the delivery of the human interface via the Tornado web server.
The data load is initiated by the top-level code within the model.source package modules when they are first loaded. The referral data and calculated measurement data remain resident in memory as long as the Python server program is running.
Both modules in the model.source package load source data from the CSV files. The CSV files are loaded directly into Pandas DataFrame objects with typecasting and date parsing.
return pd.read_csv('referrals.csv', dtype=column_types, parse_dates=date_columns)
After loading the data the modules calculate simple record-level facts and create calculated date columns that simplify the downstream filtering required to calculate measurements.
Measurements of referral processing time are calculated in the model.ProcessTime module. This module imports the modules from the model.source package that provide the data that is consumed by this module in order to calculate the measurement data that is surfaced in the Bokeh applications.
The calculations are triggered by top-level code when the module is first imported. Twelve months of measurements are calculated and stored in memory. The measurement data is accessed by the Bokeh applications via top-level variables and provider functions.
Process measurements are stored in a Pandas DataFrame that has a granularity of one row for each clinic that is being measured. The DataFrame is created by sampling the referral data to create a data set of unique clinics that have referrals.
process_measures_df = pd.DataFrame({'Clinic': np.sort(referral_df['Clinic'].unique())})
process_measures_df = (
pd.concat([pd.DataFrame({'Clinic': '*ALL*'}, index=[0]), process_measures_df]).reset_index(drop=True))
Each of these DataFrame instances holds measurement data for a single month. A top-level list provides access to the data for every month that is calculated when the module loads.
clinic_measures[curr_month] = curr_month_clinic_df
Referral records from the model.source package are collected into calculation data sets using the first and last dates in each month, and also by taking advantage of extra convenience date columns that are calculated for each referral when the data is first loaded from the source.
idx = (referrals_df['Clinic'].isin(clinics_df['Clinic'])
& (referrals_df['Reporting Date 5 Day Lag'] >= start_date)
& (referrals_df['Reporting Date 5 Day Lag'] < end_date))
source_df = referrals_df.loc[idx].copy()
Individual measures at the clinic level of granularity are successively calculated from these calculation data sets and merged into the master data set of process measurements for the month.
by_clinic_df = source_df.loc[source_df['Referral Priority'] == 'Urgent'] \
.groupby('Clinic') \
.agg(rid=pd.NamedAgg(column="Referral ID", aggfunc="count"),
aged=pd.NamedAgg(column="Referral Aged Yn", aggfunc="sum")) \
.rename(columns={'rid': prefix + 'Urgent Referrals Sent',
'aged': prefix + 'Urgent Referrals Aged'})
The model.PendingTime module calculates measures describing how many referrals have been waiting to be scheduled and for how long. Referrals to be scheduled are waiting in one of four queues. These referrals are either pending acceptance, on hold, pending reschedule, or sitting in an accepted status but not yet scheduled.
This module imports the modules from the model.source package that provide the data that is consumed by this module in order to calculate the measurement data that is surfaced in the Bokeh applications.
The calculations are triggered by top-level code when the module is first imported. All referrals that are currently pending are measured regardless of when those referrals where originally sent. This surfaces information about how many referrals are currently pending but without historical tracking. The measurement data is accessed by the Bokeh applications via top-level variables and provider functions.
The calculation of measures for pending referrals follows the same general pattern as the process measure calculations described above.
The model.CRMUse module calculates measures describing how often the Clinic Referral Management system was used vs. only scheduling patients in the schedule book. This report compares the referral management milestones of accepting, scheduling, and seeing patients against scheduled appointments for patients at the same clinic.
This module imports the modules from the model.source package that provide the data that is consumed by this module in order to calculate the measurement data that is surfaced in the Bokeh applications.
The calculations are triggered by top-level code when the module is first imported. The measurement data is accessed by the Bokeh applications via top-level variables and provider functions.
The calculation of measures for CRM use follow the same general pattern as the process measure calculations described above.
The model.DSMUse module calculates measures describing how many patients are discussed using Direct Secure Messaging only vs. being entered into the Clinic Referral Management system as a referral.
This module imports the modules from the model.source package that provide the data that is consumed by this module in order to calculate the measurement data that is surfaced in the Bokeh applications.
The calculations are triggered by top-level code when the module is first imported. The measurement data is accessed by the Bokeh applications via top-level variables and provider functions.
The calculation of measures for DSM use follows the same general pattern as the process measure calculations described above.
The pages in this report utilize Jinja2 templates to generate HTML for the browser that renders them. Jinja2 is a text templating library that is included and used by Bokeh to embed interactive scripts. Some of the pages in this report only use Jinja2 to generate data-driven HTML content and provide no interactivity. Other pages embed Bokeh scripts to render visuals and to allow the viewer to select one clinic or another.
Three of the pages in this report focus on one clinic at a time and display more detailed process measures that look into processing milestones, referrals on-hold, and how often the clinic makes use of the referral management system. These pages render visuals using the Bokeh library and respond to changes to the clinic selector widget.
The applications are built into Python modules and classes, one module and one class for each application. The application class instance acquires measurement data from the top-level variables and provider functions within the model package. Those variables persist while the Bokeh server remains running to listen for HTTP requests. Helper classes within the app.plot package generate the plots that are added to the Bokeh documents by the application classes. These plot classes are instantiated within the application class objects and are given specific data from the model package.
Bokeh uses Tornado to route requests for pages and reply with HTML content. Bokeh applications can typically be thought of as pages. The app modules each include an application request handler function that must be top-level in order to work with the Bokeh library. The handler function instantiates a class for the application session and invokes a method that adds Bokeh plots to a Bokeh document that will be used to serve content for the application session. The document and class instance is specific to the application session and persists until the Bokeh session is closed by the browser, by navigating to another application or by closing the tab.
The Bokeh visuals are injected into the HTML content using Jinja2 and template files. The templates are HTML files with the Jinja2 templating syntax included. The instructions within the template sections are parsed by the Jinja2 library to dynamically add HTML content. The template file to use for each app is set as a class level variable when the module loads.
app_template = 'referrals.html'
Then the template file is loaded and added to the Bokeh document.
self.document.template = self._app_env.get_template(self.app_template)
Plots are added to the Bokeh document by creating Bokeh figures. Figures are a canvas on which visuals are drawn. Bokeh supports using Scalable Vector Graphics to render visuals. This is a must-have for documents that are intended for printing or PDF distribution. This example project is a report and is used in conjunction with another Python script that automates the export of multiple pages to PDF files. Using SVG avoids the blocky, raster graphics look when the low DPI screen image is exported to a high DPI output format. It also increases accessibility by allowing viewers to zoom into the page.
seen_ratio_plot = figure(height=self.plot_height, width=self.plot_width, title=None, toolbar_location=None,
x_range=Range1d(x_axis_start, x_axis_start + x_axis_distance),
y_range=Range1d(y_axis_start, y_axis_start + y_axis_distance),
The Python code that runs on the server doesn’t actually draw the visuals, it creates configuration data that is streamed to the browser over a websocket. The browser renders the visuals from this configuration data within a shadow DOM using Javascript. The Javascript libraries are included as links within the Jinja2 template file.
Visuals are applied to plots as data-driven glyphs.
seen_ratio_plot.annular_wedge(x=0, y=0, inner_radius=inner_radius, outer_radius=outer_radius,
start_angle='starting_plot_angle', end_angle='ending_plot_angle',
line_color='white', fill_color='color', source=self.plot_data_source,
This example draws wedge glyphs using data from the plot_data_source DataFrame and the columns starting_plot_angle and ending_plot_angle. It creates one wedge for every row in the source data.
The plot is named and added to the Bokeh document after all required glyphs are added. A reference pointer for the plot is added to the Jinja2 template using the name given to the plot. Instructions within the template inject the visual into the HTML content so that the BokehJS library can render the visual in the browser. = self.plot_name
Four of the pages in this report tabulate referral process measures for all clinics. These pages have no interactivity. They render with the measurements from the most recent month. These pages are only using Bokeh to leverage the Tornado HTTP server and the Jinja2 text templating libraries that come with Bokeh.
These pages are still Bokeh applications with a Bokeh document. They are implemented in similar fashion to the pages that use Bokeh visuals but without using any helper classes from the app.plot package.
The requests and responses are also handled the same. The Tornado HTTP server calls a top-level handler function that instantiates a class for the application session and calls a method that adds data into the document.
The data to be rendered with these simpler pages is injected into the HTML stream using Jinja2 and templates. The templates are HTML files with the Jinja2 templating syntax included. The instructions within the template sections are parsed by the Jinja2 library to dynamically add HTML content. The template file to use for each app is set as a class level variable when the module loads.
app_template = 'urgent.html'
Then the template file is loaded and added to the Bokeh document.
self.document.template = self._app_env.get_template(self.app_template)
Data is added to the template so that it is accessible from the template instructions that are coded into the template file.
self.document.template_variables["clinics"] = self.clinics
In this example the DataFrame with the measurement data for all clinics is added by reference into a template variable named clinics. The DataFrame is then accessible within the Jinja2 template.
Bokeh uses Jinja2 templates to inject HTML content dynamically into an HTTP response message. A Bokeh visual is sent as configuration data that is used by the BokehJS library in the client browser. BokehJS opens a websocket to the Python server app to collect data while the page renders. The BokehJS library is a Javascript library that is linked within the Jinja2 template and sent as part of the HTML page. Bokeh applications can also use Jinja2 directly to either: use data on the server to dynamically construct HTML structures, or inject data into the HTML content to be rendered normally by the browser.
The visualization layer of this report is a collection of HTML template files with embedded Jinja2 instructions. Each page in the report has an individual HTML template. The templates are all similar boilerplates with different visual layouts. The templates use the following techniques to render data or allow viewers to select a clinic.
A template that contains a Bokeh visual will inject the visual’s configuration using a Jinja2 command block and the embed macro.
<div>{{ embed(roots.urgent_aim_gauge) }}</div>
The Bokeh application handler adds content to a Document instance that is associated with the viewer’s session and the application. The Document has a collection named roots that provides access to each of the named visuals that have been added to the Document. The embed macro replaces the Jinja2 command block from the template HTML with an HTML placeholder element that is specific to one of the visuals, urgent_aim_gauge in this case. This dynamically customized HTML is then sent to the viewer’s browser with script that renders the visual, be it a graph, table, or something else, on an HTML canvas in a shadow DOM. The rendering happens in the client browser.
The data and styling for the embedded Bokeh visuals is configured programmatically in the Python server application handlers. Data is communicated with the BokehJS script on the client browser over a websocket connection during rendering. Styles are passed to the script to be applied to the elements that the script creates in the HTML canvas. Stylesheets cannot be used effectively with Bokeh visuals, unfortunately. The support for custom stylesheets is too limited.
Interactive widgets can be placed into application pages. They enable the viewer to pan, scroll, or zoom charts, sort tables, and other similar actions on the rendered data to enhance the experience of exploring the data. There are also widgets that allow the viewer to send requests back to the application server to modify the data or the configuration of the visuals in order to see something else.
<div class="slicer-embed-block" id="clinic_slicer">{{ embed(roots.clinic_slicer) }}</div>
This example report places a drop-down list of clinic names on three pages that focus on one clinic at a time in detail. Embedding the drop-down widget into the HTML page is the same as embedding a visual by using the Jinja2 embed macro. The difference is that instead of adding a plot of glyphs to the document, the application handler adds a Bokeh widget instance to the document.
select = Select(value=clinic, options=wt.get_clinics(month))
select.on_change("value", *callback)
This example creates a Select widget instance and assigns a list of unique clinic names to the widget. A callback function is also assigned to be invoked when the selected clinic name changes. The function causes the data for the selected clinic to be fetched and sent to the visuals on the page via the websocket, along with new axis ranges. The widget and the callback are added by Python code in the application handler on the server. BokehJS handles the communication to invoke the callback in the server application. = 'clinic_slicer'
The Select instance is given a name. This is the name that is used to embed it into the Jinja2 template. Adding the widget to the document makes it available to the template. Since the clinic drop-down list is the same in each of the application pages, it is added by a utility function add_clinic_slicer in the module
Sometimes a simpler approach will do. Summary values can be directly injected into the HTML content using Jinja2. This is suitable when there are no concerns about how portable the data is and the volume of the data is exactly the same as the amount of HTML content within the page. For example, a label with a median wait time across all clinics. That single number will be downloaded and displayed one way or another. As an aggregate value it may not be considered very sensitive. The upside to this approach is that top-level style sheets can be applied to the data.
<span class="card-data-value">{{ m28_median_to_seen }}</span>
In this example the 28-day median wait time to be seen is stored in a template variable. The template variable is directly referenced within in Jinja2 code block. This results in the value of the variable being rendered as text into the HTML page content in place of the code block.
self.document.template_variables["m28_median_to_seen"] = (
v.half_up_int(wt.get_overall_rate_measure(wt.last_month, 'MOV28 Median Days until Seen')))
The application handler in adds this value to a document collection named template_variables and gives the value a name. This name is referenced by the template to inject the value into the HTML content. In this example a specific measure value, MOV28 Median Days until Seen, is collected from the model package and filtered by the utility function half_up_int in before being assigned as a template variable in the document.
Directly injecting data as HTML content has a big drawback in that it isn’t interactive. The page must be reloaded in order to change the displayed values. Bokeh applications load once and respond to events through a websocket connection between BokehJS running on the client browser and the application server. One way to address this is to use Bokeh HTMLLabelSet or HTMLLabel glyphs in a plot. Those are data-driven and can respond to events. These seem to fall short or are just too difficult to manipulate when the layout and style is important. Plots have extra padding and the style sheet support in those glyphs is limited.
To get around the challenges with the Bokeh HTML labels I created the LabelDataSource and CallbackLabelPlot classes in These are plot helper classes in the app.plots package. The LabelDataSource class adds a plot to the document.
def add_plot(self):
"""Creates the figure and models that render the visual."""
label_plot = figure(title=None,
y_range=Range1d(0, 0),
x_range=Range1d(0, 0),
height=0, width=0,
label = LabelSet(x=0, y=0,
The plot is a zero pixel figure containing the labels as rows in a data source. This plot facilitates the communication of label data to the page.
callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=self.plot_data_source), code=code)
self.plot_data_source.js_on_change('data', callback)
self.document.js_on_event('document_ready', callback)
The plot is also assigned a custom Javascript callback that is invoked when the server changes the data or when the document is ready in the client browser. Javascript callbacks execute within the client browser. This callback searches the HTML document object model for elements that contain dynamic labels. It updates the content within those elements and updates the style sheet class. Updating the style sheet class dynamically can help with contextual color coding. = self.plot_name
The LabelDataSource plot is named and added to the Bokeh document.
<div class="label-data-source-hidden">{{ embed(roots.label_data_source) }}</div>
This enables the HTML template to hide the LabelDataSource plot somewhere on the page.
<span class="[*class*]" id="urgent_improvement_dir_3_month_plot">[*label*]</span>
The HTML template page includes elements that are meant to be found by the callback script using the element id. The callback places text in place of special tokens in the element’s content and class name. This has a slight drawback in that the tokens are briefly flashed by the client browser before the document is ready and the callback executes.
The CallbackLabelPlot class can be instantiated to hold a single label value and style sheet class name. It simply adds or updates these values in the data source of the LabelDataSource instance.
There is another variant of this same approach in the module. The DataTablePlot class dynamically renders an HTML table using Javascript. The data source for the table is passed to the page in the client browser using the Bokeh websocket connection.
This approach allows the application server to change the data sources in response to events, and those changes are automatically rendered in the browser page. This also allows top-level CSS style sheets to be applied to tables and labels.
The last data visualization technique in this example report is to use Jinja2 to dynamically create HTML elements within the application server before sending the HTML content to the client browser.
{% for index, row in clinics.iterrows() %}
<td class="text-data"><nobr>{{ row['Clinic'] }}</nobr></td>
<td class="numeric-data"><nobr>{{ row['Referrals Sent']|int }}</nobr></td>
<td class="percent-data"><nobr>{{ row['Pct Referrals Seen After 90d']|int }}%</nobr></td>
<td class="numeric-data">{{ age_category_color(row, 'MOV28 Median Days until Seen', row['Age Category to Seen']) }}</td>
<td>{{ direction_symbol(row, 'Var MOV91 Median Days until Seen') }}</td>
<td class="numeric-data">{{ '%0.2f'|format(row['Var MOV91 Median Days until Seen']|float) }}</td>
<td class="numeric-data">{{ age_category_color(row, 'MOV91 Median Days until Seen', row['Age Category to Seen']) }}</td>
{% endfor %}
Command blocks in the template instruct Jinja2 to use data from the template variables in conjunction with flow control statements to make decisions or iteratively construct the HTML content. In this example the clinics DataFrame was passed to Jinja2 as a template variable. Jinja2 uses Python to iterate through the DataFrame and create an HTML table row for every record in clinics.
The benefits of this approach are simplicity and the ability to apply top-level style sheets to the content. The main drawback of this approach is the lack of interaction with the page that Bokeh visuals enable.
The intent for this project was to create a report package as a PDF document. The report delivery is automated by running the Bokeh application and exporting the pages to PDF using the Playwright test harness. Playwright drives Chromium and supports pages that rely on Javascript.
The Bokeh application server program uses a module to start the server. The top-level code configures the Bokeh server with application paths and handler functions then starts the server.
apps = {'/referrals/scheduled': Application(FunctionHandler(scta.schedule_times_app_handler)),
'/referrals/seen': Application(FunctionHandler(sta.seen_times_app_handler)),
'/referrals/routine': Application(FunctionHandler(rpa.routine_performance_app_handler)),
routes = [('/referrals/cover', CoverHandler),
('/', IndexHandler),
('/referrals', IndexHandler),
(r'/referrals/css/(.*)', StaticFileHandler, {'path': os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/css')}),
server = Server(apps, port=5005, extra_patterns=routes)
and begins an endless polling loop to respond to HTTP requests for application pages.
The server hosts a default page with links to each of the application pages. With the Bokeh server application running, open localhost:5005 in your browser to see the pages.
The default page is an IFRAME with buttons across the top. Each button loads a different application page into the IFRAME. Three pages provide a drop-down list of clinics. The selected clinic will carry across to the other pages by way of cookies stored in the browser.
cookies = doc.session_context.request.cookies
if 'clinic' in cookies:
clinic = cookies['clinic']
if len(clinic) > 0:
return clinic
Bokeh surfaces the cookies from the HTTP request to the Python server application, allowing application state to be stored and retrieved between sessions.
Some tricks must be employed to make the HTML page output compatible with a printed page output, even if the medium is PDF. Both the browser and the PDF renderer will try to fit the output to a printed page size. If the HTML output isn’t already constrained to a standard page size then one of those rendering layers will make decisions that may not be optimal. It is common for printed HTML pages to either overflow a page boundary or be shrunk down to an unreadable size.
Cascading Style Sheets provides a convenient method to constrain the application page content to a printed page size.
/* landscape */
.reportpage-rotated {
width: 13.5in !important;
height: 7.5in !important;
overflow: hidden;
background: #70BBFF;
display: block;
float: none;
page-break-after: always;
break-after: page;
/* Remove page break from last page */
.reportpage-rotated:last-of-type {
width: 13.5in !important;
height: 7.5in !important;
overflow: hidden;
background: #70BBFF;
display: block;
float: none;
page-break-after: avoid;
break-after: avoid;
This is opposite the usual requirement to make pages responsive to device screen sizes. A style class is created to override the height and width of a DIV element and to control the placement of page breaks when printing the page.
{% block contents %}
<div class="reportpage-rotated">
The page content is placed within the DIV.
The browser may still need a hint about the page size and margins when printing and so a print media only style sheet is linked to the page with a @page directive.
/* Landscape page */
@page {
size: 14in 8.5in;
margin-top: 0.5in;
margin-bottom: 0.5in;
margin-left: 0.25in;
margin-right: 0.25in;
The challenge with printing visuals to PDF or paper is DPI, Dots Per Inch. Graphs, images, and even text labels that are rendered by Bokeh will appear blocky and blurry when printed. Content that looks fine on a screen at 96 DPI will look awful at 300 DPI. Similarly, content generated at 300 DPI and displayed on a screen at 96 DPI will lose fidelity when it is squeezed down into a smaller space. This is also a challenge for accessibility. The same problem arises trying to zoom into a 96 DPI image in the browser page.
seen_ratio_plot = figure(height=self.plot_height, width=self.plot_width, title=None, toolbar_location=None,
x_range=Range1d(x_axis_start, x_axis_start + x_axis_distance),
y_range=Range1d(y_axis_start, y_axis_start + y_axis_distance),
Scalable Vector Graphics to the rescue! Bokeh supports drawing visuals and text in SVG format instead of as a raster image. SVG is actually instructions to the browser about what to draw in real time when rendering the page. Browsers also support drawing SVG images at different zoom levels with the same crisp lines as the original zoom. When the page is printed the SVG images will be drawn at the target DPI of the output media.
Another approach used by this report is to push as much text as possible into the HTML layer instead of asking Bokeh to draw text in a plot.
A Python script creates a PDF report from this Bokeh application. This script is in the page-capture-utility repository. It is a general purpose script that loads URLs from a table of contents file and prints the page content to PDF files.
browser = await p.chromium.launch()
for index, row in toc.iterrows():
folder_name = row['Folder']
file_name = row['File Name']
page_url = row['URL']
width = row['Width'] + 'in'
height = row['Height'] + 'in'
The page-capture-utility script loads the table of contents into a DataFrame and iterates through the records. Each record has an URL, a destination file name, and the intended width and height of the page. The script loads Chromium using the Playwright library and loads each page.
page = await browser.new_page()
await page.emulate_media(media="print")
await page.goto(page_url)
await page.wait_for_timeout(5000)
await page.pdf(width=width, height=height, print_background=True, path=target_file)
Chromium is configured to render each page in print media mode. This causes Chromium to select the print media style sheet when loading each Bokeh application page. A timeout of 5 seconds per page allows the page to load and execute the client side Javascript in BokeJS and custom callbacks.
The PDF report package is a compilation of pages that focus on individual clinics. If someone where manually printing these pages they must use the clinic selection drop-down widget to choose each clinic in turn. The automation script needs a way to select the clinic for each page of the report.
args = doc.session_context.request.arguments
if 'Clinic' in args:
clinic = args['Clinic'][0]
if len(clinic) > 0:
clinic = clinic.decode("utf-8")
return clinic
When the application handlers are invoked in response to an HTTP request they check the request arguments for the clinic name. If the clinic name is sent via an HTTP argument that overrides the clinic name found in browser cookies. This allows automated scripts to select the clinic as part of the URL for the page, and to iterate through clinics to export a page for each one.
The page-capture-utility script creates a single PDF file for each URL. Another utility, pdf-splicer, compiles the report packages from the individual PDF files using a similar approach of loading a table of contents file and exporting PDF files using PyPDF2.
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